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Monday, July 13, 2015

Seeking Other Empaths

Lately I have been doing a lot of soul searching.  Usually this would be a good thing, but I find that it is causing more emotional problems that I care to deal with it.  I've been keeping a bit of a journal lately, and I find that one of the common themes that keeps coming up is the desire to find other empaths. People like me.  People that understand the cursed gift of empathy.

Now, I'm finding myself wondering if other empaths are having the same issue.  You see, in my circle of friends, I am currently the only empath.  I'm blessed in the fact that everybody in my circle seems to know that aspect of my life, but nobody truly understands as this is a gift that can not be taught or learned.  Either you're an empath, or you are not.

So... the question stands: "Why are we seeking out others like ourselves?"  I believe the answer is fairly basic.  None of us wants to be the strange or different one in our circle of friends and family.  It gets tiring constantly trying to explain to others why we are the way that we are.  We're constantly seeking understanding and furthermore, acceptance, but people in general rarely are able to accept that which they do not understand.

When you're the "only one" it can be a very lonely existence.  That's where I'm at now.  Absolute loneliness.  Humans are rather social creatures, and when we begin to feel lonely a greater problem occurs.  This is where empaths go from being gifted to feeling cursed.  Depression sets in for some of us.  Others begin to display psychotic symptoms, which unfortunately can even lead to self-injury and possibly even suicide.

I think the most obvious way to rectify this situation and maybe even become in charge of it is to find others like ourselves.  But... Let's be honest here.  This is nowhere near an easy thing to do. Once you find others, you must determine whether they are the real deal or just frauds.  If you're truly an empath, this will not be a difficult determination to make.  Once you find the real ones, link up with them.  Discuss the gifts with them.  Find out what tips and tricks they are using to deal with the gifts.  Use their advice... at least try it and see if it works for you.

Another idea would be to find some of the online groups that are on the internet.  The downfall of that idea, of course, is that you will undoubtedly find more frauds that legitimate empaths.  Don't stop seeking the help that you so desperately need.  Keep your head up and remember this is a gift.  Don't let yourself become convinced that it's a curse, although at times that's exactly how it seems.  Good luck and brightest blessings to all!

-Lady Ariel

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