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Friday, August 14, 2015

New Moon Prosperity Checks

It's almost the dark of the moon again, and I would like to share with you all the prosperity checks that I write out every new moon.  This particular ritual has also been called "Law of Abundance Checks".  Basically, it is believed that through the law of abundance, the Universe will provide for your needs.  Some even go as far as saying that the Universe owes it to you, however, I would not quite go that far.

The new moon is the best phase of the moon to start new projects, new beginnings, marriages, new career, etc.  Here's the instructions:

Within the first 12 hours of the New Moon, take a check from your checkbook (or you can draw up your own check and use it).

-Where it says "Pay To" write your name
-In the box where you would typically write the dollar amount, write "Paid in Full"
-Also write it on the line underneath your name where you would spell out the amount.
-Sign the check "Law of Abundance"
-Leave the date blank
-Sign the back of the check as if you are ready to cash it.

Perform this ritual every new moon for at least 3 moon cycles to see if you notice the difference.  Next time you go to write your New Moon Check, you must first burn the last one within 12 hours of the new moon.  Then you write your new one, and forget about it until the next cycle and so on.  I did this ritual for three months, then stopped for three months, and I really noticed the difference and now this is mandatory in my routine.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Empath Warnings... They Come in Strange Forms

I found myself on the receiving end of a very strange empath warning.  The Universe warned me today that something bad was gonna happen and I would like to share it with all of you...

You see, I live in a bad neighborhood and my husband and I are apartment managers.  I was downstairs having coffee with my neighbor, and all of a sudden I had a bad feeling.  I got the find of burn in the gut that lets you know something is really off here.  About a minute later, a man entered our property and I felt like somebody was choking me.  The energy suddenly got so thick and I knew this was what the Universe was warning me about.

Life as an Empath... A Constant Roller Coaster

Living a life that causes you to feel every emotion of every person in your direct vicinity can be very draining, but most people have no clue what that's like.  You don't just deal with the physical drain from constantly walking in other people's shoes.  Instead you have the physical, mental and emotional effects which at times can be way too much to deal with.  The average person has enough trouble dealing with their own struggles.  Now, imagine being forced to not only deal with your own, but everybody else's turmoil as well...