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Monday, August 10, 2015

Life as an Empath... A Constant Roller Coaster

Living a life that causes you to feel every emotion of every person in your direct vicinity can be very draining, but most people have no clue what that's like.  You don't just deal with the physical drain from constantly walking in other people's shoes.  Instead you have the physical, mental and emotional effects which at times can be way too much to deal with.  The average person has enough trouble dealing with their own struggles.  Now, imagine being forced to not only deal with your own, but everybody else's turmoil as well...
Not many people are empaths, but for those who are life becomes very difficult depending on who is around them and what mental state they are in.  When people around me are happy and positive, I unintentionally mimic that behavior.  However, when someone around me is upset, I am upset.  If there is negativity, it becomes my own.  This phenomena extends to all emotions and attitudes.  At times it gets so bad that I can not differentiate which emotions are mine, and which ones belong to someone else.  Empaths can find themselves in a constant state of confusion, which often leads to depression.
There are great and wonderful benefits to being an empath as well.  If somebody is sick or in pain, the empath can detect that almost immediately.  Unfortunately, part of the detection process is suddenly feeling the same way and trying to figure out who they are feeling and why.  If danger is near, our intuition screams at us.  Lies from others tend to fall on deaf ears since we are not easily convinced by words.
In my opinion, there are some days that I refer to as "Empath Hell".  Those are the days that I am overburdened with the emotions and struggles of every person within a three block radius.  I'll feel the troubles and struggles of every single neighbor that I have, every person I communicate with by either phone, text or email.  Books I read and music that I listen also bombard me.  This leads me and many other empaths to isolation habits that may not be very healthy.  This, of course, is not an every day occurrence, but on the days that I am more sensitive I feel like I'm vacationing in Hell for the day.
Not many people are empathic, and there are still quite a few that have no idea that they possess this gift.  Most empaths have or will be diagnosed with a mental health disorder such as various mood disorders, depression and/or anxiety.  Sadly, they will believe what the trusted medical professional tells them.  My hope is that each and every empath will learn about the gift that they possess.  Knowledge is the first step to maintaining a healthy balance and outlook on life.  We must empower each other to use this gift, rather than to feel used by it.  Brightest blessings to all of you!
-Lady Ariel

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