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Friday, August 14, 2015

New Moon Prosperity Checks

It's almost the dark of the moon again, and I would like to share with you all the prosperity checks that I write out every new moon.  This particular ritual has also been called "Law of Abundance Checks".  Basically, it is believed that through the law of abundance, the Universe will provide for your needs.  Some even go as far as saying that the Universe owes it to you, however, I would not quite go that far.

The new moon is the best phase of the moon to start new projects, new beginnings, marriages, new career, etc.  Here's the instructions:

Within the first 12 hours of the New Moon, take a check from your checkbook (or you can draw up your own check and use it).

-Where it says "Pay To" write your name
-In the box where you would typically write the dollar amount, write "Paid in Full"
-Also write it on the line underneath your name where you would spell out the amount.
-Sign the check "Law of Abundance"
-Leave the date blank
-Sign the back of the check as if you are ready to cash it.

Perform this ritual every new moon for at least 3 moon cycles to see if you notice the difference.  Next time you go to write your New Moon Check, you must first burn the last one within 12 hours of the new moon.  Then you write your new one, and forget about it until the next cycle and so on.  I did this ritual for three months, then stopped for three months, and I really noticed the difference and now this is mandatory in my routine.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Empath Warnings... They Come in Strange Forms

I found myself on the receiving end of a very strange empath warning.  The Universe warned me today that something bad was gonna happen and I would like to share it with all of you...

You see, I live in a bad neighborhood and my husband and I are apartment managers.  I was downstairs having coffee with my neighbor, and all of a sudden I had a bad feeling.  I got the find of burn in the gut that lets you know something is really off here.  About a minute later, a man entered our property and I felt like somebody was choking me.  The energy suddenly got so thick and I knew this was what the Universe was warning me about.

Life as an Empath... A Constant Roller Coaster

Living a life that causes you to feel every emotion of every person in your direct vicinity can be very draining, but most people have no clue what that's like.  You don't just deal with the physical drain from constantly walking in other people's shoes.  Instead you have the physical, mental and emotional effects which at times can be way too much to deal with.  The average person has enough trouble dealing with their own struggles.  Now, imagine being forced to not only deal with your own, but everybody else's turmoil as well...

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Once in a Blue Moon

Once in a blue moon has long been a common phrase for something that happens rarely.  Well, tomorrow will be that day.  We will have a blue moon on July 31, 2015, and won't have another one until 2018.

There are typically 12 full moons per year, but depending on what day of the month a full moon appears, there can be two full moons in one calendar month.  The blue moon is the second full moon in one calendar month, and tends to happen about every 28 months or so.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Seeking Other Empaths

Lately I have been doing a lot of soul searching.  Usually this would be a good thing, but I find that it is causing more emotional problems that I care to deal with it.  I've been keeping a bit of a journal lately, and I find that one of the common themes that keeps coming up is the desire to find other empaths. People like me.  People that understand the cursed gift of empathy.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Lady Ariel's Venting Session

I feel the need to vent again.  And, of course, it's an empath thing.  This time I don't believe that I can call it my usually favorite term for it "Empath Hell".  What I experienced was on a level so much higher than that-I don't even think that there is a term for it.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Spiritual Journey

At some point in the existence of each and every one of us, we go on a spiritual journey.  Some of us begin a spiritual journey practically at birth.  Often we're raised in religious homes and at some point question everything we're being taught.  Others don't experience a spiritual journey until much later in life.  Whatever the circumstance, the fact is that eventually we all go through it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Coming Out of the Broom Closet

"Coming out of the broom closet" has become a rather common term in the world of practicing witches.  It refers to the time when the practicing witch decides to tell all of their family and friends about their choice to practice the craft.  For most witches, this is a very difficult decision to make.  After all, the burning times were not really that long ago and still haunt our memories.  So today I ask you, "have you come out of the broom closet?"

I, like many American Witches, was raised in a Christian home.  This is not to say that my parents were devout Christians.  My mother was very Christian in spirit, but never forced her beliefs on others.  She told me various Bible stories as a child, and I remember thinking that they were just cute little fairy tales with a moral to learn from.  However, my mother did me the biggest favor by encouraging and allowing me to study with any and every religion that tickled my fancy.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Empathic Awakening

How did you become an empath seems to be the most common question that I encounter from people that are curious about my particular gift. There is one simple answer to that: one does not simply become an empath. Either you were born an empath, or you were not. This gift is not a skill that can be acquired or learned. There are some of us, however, that were born empaths but did not realize it until later on in life. This is certainly the case for me.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Me Time

Once again, I need to vent about being an empath. This past week has been extremely difficult for me. There have been a lot of people in and out of my home with various emotions-all of which are intense and draining for me. My husband has been telling me that as an empath I need "me time". Now, for me, alone time is a joke. Between being a mother, wife, apartment manager, spiritual advisor, tarot reader, teacher and mentor, there just seems to be no time for myself. This tends to lead to me being absolutely drained with no time to recharge. When an empath is drained, physical pain comes on at full force.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Empath Blocking Techniques

Once again, I feel the need to blog about being an empath. This issue is very close to my heart and almost always on my mind due to the fact that I am what they call an "out of control empath", which means that I have trouble blocking out other people's emotional "garbage" and it becomes a problem for me. That said, I suspect that there are other out of control empaths reading this blog that may be enduring the same struggles that I am.
As an empath, I feel everything from everybody around me. If somebody is sad, I feel sad and have no idea why. The same goes for all of the other emotions: happiness, grief, anger, excitement, anxiety, etc. I can also feel when somebody is hiding something from me or someone else. I know when people are being deceptive or illusive. If somebody around me has bad intentions, I feel that too. Most of the time, the emotions are so strong that I can't determine whether what I am feeling are my own emotions or belong to somebody around me. At this point, being an empath becomes somewhat of a burden rather than a gift.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Update on The Ritual to Banish a Habit

Yesterday I performed the Ritual to Banish a Habit with only two of my coven members who have been having a hard time with various habits. The energies and emotions that I was feeling during the ritual were very intense (this is not unusual as I am a very strong empath). We made a few alterations to the ritual. Instead of burning the black candle then the white candle, we chose to burn both at the same time. And, of course, I took pictures which I will now share here with y'all.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Ritual to Banish a Habit

Tomorrow evening, I will be leading a ritual to help some of my coven members banish a bad habit, so I thought that I would put it up here for others to be helped by it, if such a need exists. I did not write this ritual, but it will be the one that is used.

Empath Hell

Before I begin a blog about being an empath, I will start with a very brief description of what an empath is. An empath is a person who can feel the emotions and energies of other people around them. They often feel it so strongly that they can not differentiate whether it is their own emotions that they are feeling or somebody else's.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Meet Lady Ariel

Welcome to the Witchy Wisdom Blog. Here you will be able to learn various things about Witchcraft, Wicca, Paganism and all things Magick. I'll start by telling you a little bit about myself. I'm Lady Ariel and I have been an active, practicing Eclectic Witch for over a decade. I am also an Empath, Medium, Tarot Card Reader, Teacher, Mentor and  Spiritual Advisor.